Jon as many knew him...

2003 - 2008

Created by Karen 14 years ago
This is Jonathan David Francis ~ AKA Jon-Jonnles-Johnny D. - White Wizard-the somber child-County Coroner and many more nicknames.. Jon was an exceptionally gifted, bright, talented person. He was very compassionate, empathetic, and caring. He would do anything for you if you asked. He was a happy person the majority of the time and wanted everyone he met to be happy too. Often he would play the peace-maker, mediator, therapist, trying to help friends with their problems. Often times he could be found wandering up Main Street-over to Town Hall to get his water-he LOVED the water there and drank lots of it daily - "playing with hobos" as he called it, he enjoyed interacting with them on the cape and in Boston. There were not many people who did not like Jon. He was a laid back, mellow, peaceful happy soul. You couldn't help but have a good time when Jon was around. Jon was a self-taught guitarist, he LOVED to play and he really loved his KME Custom made guitar, it was his "baby". He also had his first guitar he got when he was 12 years old that he "customized" himself and would play when he wanted to "play hard". Jon was a great singer also(I've added a song on this site that his friend Bryan recorded as Jon sang-People Are Strange) - He was an unbelievably fast typist - I used to have to watch him to believe he was typing actual words, and he was! Jon also loved photography. He was always taking pictures and many were of beautiful sceneries. He was also very photogenic and I don't believe he ever took a "bad" picture. Jon was also interested in drawing, writings, numerology, vegetarianism & meditation. He also was very interested in psychology & Ancient History which he had planned to take at CCCC in 2008. He wanted to become a psychologist so he could help people with their problems. He was interested in finding a natural cure for cancer & arthritis also. Jon also had many books on real estate he was studying. He was planning to purchase a home in the future... FROM THE MIND OF JON: ~the body is at peace, the mind is at ease. my spirit is free to fly, because i flow like the breeze~ "that was the first mantra i ever created. for my element, to bring the wind, and the breath of life back to the dead." "i know the colors of my being.. i have a purple aura, which is why people find me so comforting. my heart is pink, my mind is yellow, my power symbol is an inverted crimson triangle. im gonna get it tattooed on me somewhere, but purple instead of red, as my power is peace." "the thirst for knowledge will be quenched, and when you learn all that you can learn, you spread the knowledge and hope it takes seed." " =) every day i feel i grow wiser, and lose the burdens that held me back for so much of my life. studying the zodiac has led to much of this, as the skyes are where i turn to for guidance, the oceans for the wisdom, the earth for life, and fire for knowledge and discipline." Some of Jons Favorite Activities: video games, listening to music, playing guitar, drawing, writing, reading, exploring, wandering, tripping, smoking, playing, board games, cards, tattooing, building stuff, legos, swimming, sewing, customizing stuff, jumping in puddles, hugging trees, swearing at the sun, praising the clouds, etc..
