Jonathan David Francis was born.

1986 May 30

Created by Karen 14 years ago
Jonathan David Francis was born on May 30, 1986 at Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis MA @ 9:48 p.m. His weight was 7 lbs. 14 ozs. His height was 21 inches Jon let me know a month in advance he was getting ready to come into the world. It was a Friday and the day turned out to be very warm. It was a beautiful spring day with everything in bloom and a gentle warm breeze blowing~an exceptional day to bring an exceptional child into the world. Jon was a muscular baby who felt as if he weighed more than his 7 lbs. You could even see the muscles he had. These muscles helped him to get up on his elbows in his bassinet when he was 3 weeks old,lift his head up high and look around! Jon was such a joy to me all through his life. A happy easy to please baby, he'd wake in the morning laughing and playing with toys in his crib. He had a kitchen drawer I used for his toys when he was about 1 yr old. He'd take the toys out & climb in the drawer and sit there playing with his toys. When he was about 2 yrs old he loved to watch Jeopardy and played his own "version" of it. When I was busy in the kitchen he always kept himself busy and entertained himself. The kitchen was "the" room in our house then. Jon would always literally stop and smell the flowers from the time he was very young. He would always pick one for me too. He would hear another "little one" cry and he'd get upset and start to cry too.He loved it when we read The Cat in the Hat-I would read a verse and leave off the last few words and he'd finish the verse himself, remembering every word of the story at 2 yrs old.I read to him nightly. I always told him he was "my pride & joy, my baby boy" he brought me such joy always, he had such a sweet and gentle soul. He truly had a heart of gold his entire life. He seemed too good to be true and magical to me...
